Hello guys, I do not play BlackShot anymore and I do not like it anymore but I wanted to share something I do not use anymore, this source allows you to update only the first address of each # that would be blue side and then just add it to source, enjoy! Quote: #include <Windows.h> int RoundBlue = 0x102FCAF8; int RoundRed = 0x102FCAFC; int Score = 0x102F5C9C; int Kill = 0x102F5C98; int HS = 0x102F5CAB; int MasteryRifle = 0x102F5D6A; int MasteryShotgun = 0x102F5D72; int MasterySmg = 0x102F5D70; int MasteryPistola = 0x102F5D6E; int MasterySniper = 0x102F5D6C; int MasteryKnife = 0x102F5D68; int MasteryGrenade = 0x102F5D74; int HP = 0x102F5AB0; void XP() { while(1) { if (GetAsyncKeyState (VK_DELETE) & 1) { for(int i = 0; i < 15; i++) { *(DWORD*)(MasteryRifle + 0x51C * i) = 6999; Sleep(30); *(DWORD*)(MasteryShotgun + 0x51C * i) = 6999; Sleep(30); *(DWORD*)(MasterySmg + 0x51C * i) = 6999; Sleep(30); *(DWORD*)(MasteryPistola + 0x51C * i) = 6999; Sleep(30); *(DWORD*)(MasterySniper + 0x51C * i) = 6999; Sleep(30); *(DWORD*)(MasteryKnife + 0x51C * i) = 6999; Sleep(30); *(DWORD*)(MasteryGrenade + 0x51C * i) = 6999; Sleep(30); *(BYTE*)(HP + 0x51C * i) = 5; Sleep(30); *(BYTE*)(RoundBlue) = 14; Sleep(30); *(BYTE*)(RoundRed) = 14; Sleep(30); *(BYTE*)(Score + 0x51C * i) = 50; Sleep(30); *(BYTE*)(Kill + 0x51C * i) = 50; Sleep(30); *(BYTE*)(HS + 0x51C * i) = 50; Sleep(30); } } Sleep(50); } } BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HMODULE hModule, DWORD _CallReason, LPVOID lpvReserved) { switch(_CallReason) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: { CreateThread( NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)XP, NULL, 0, 0 ); } } return 1; } Crédits Bryan Magal