Currently Tier 20 and will most likely be Tier 20 next week. Has max castle, most quests, and max barracks size. 80k Feathers stored. Money troubles cropped up and I just want to get a portion of the money I spent back to help me. I have nearly 500 units, so I will only send pictures of the 5 stars, but there's a bunch of fodder for almost everything. I try to keep at least 1-2 spares of every unit for skill inheriting and hero merit purposes. If you want to see pictures of the other units and are genuinely interested in the account, let me know. For those wondering why $4000, I actually consider it a steal. Bridal Blessings Cordelia is one of the best units in the game, and she was available for only a limited time. The few accounts that got her perfect IV and +10'd her are few and unwilling to part with their accounts. As for Hector, I picked +Def over +Spd because +Def allows him to KO fury Ryoma and Ike with the correct threaten and buffs. Spd only helps him with very few specific match-ups that were already covered by my units. The account has several units primed for usage at +0 and at +10. I've been taking care of this account since near the release of the game, and it is well-maintained. I'd like to use Middleman or PayPal for payment (probably Middleman to avoid scams). Feel free to post counter offers. Top tier 5 stars: Bridal Blessings Cordelia +10 (+Atk/-Res) with most abilities in the game learned and a spare 2.3k sp. Bridal Blessings Lyn +8 (+Spd/-Res) with 2 extra Bridal Blessings Lyn to merge up to +10. Ryoma +10 (+Spd/-Res) with most abilities in the game, spare 1.4k sp and Swift Sparrow 2. Hector +8 (+Def/-Res) with many abilities in the game, spare 800 sp. Takumi +7 (+Atk/-Def) with many abilities from the game and Swift Sparrow 2. Lilina +3 (+Atk) Nowi +2 (+Spd/-Hp) with many abilities and a spare Nowi to go to +3. Linde +2 (+Spd/-Hp) knows Blarblade+. Tiki +1 (+Res/-Def) optimized for Dragon Team to bait Julia. Cherche (+Atk/-Res), level 40, with Brave Axe+, Bonfire, Death Blow 3, Hit and Run, and Threaten Def 3. Effie (+Atk/-Res), knows Distant Counter and has a spare Effie 5star. Nino (+Spd/-Hp) Ike (+Res/-Def) Alm (+Spd/-Res) Karel (+Spd/-Def) Hana (+Atk/-Hp) Celica (+Res/-Hp) Lukas (Neutral) Genny (+Atk/-Def) Maria (+Atk/-Hp) Notable 5 stars: Spring Lucina Spring Xander Spring Camilla Spring Chrom Bridal Blessings Caeda (+Spd/-Hp) Bridal Blessings Charlotte Ninian Fae Elise Lyn Zephiel Eldigan Soren Kagero Alfonse Reinhardt Olwen Notable 4 stars needing upgrades: Marth (+Spd/-Def) Tharja (+Atk/-Res) and (+Spd/-Res) Reinhardt (+Atk/-Spd) Others I don't really want to list/look.
Bump Update: Has been Tier 20 every week it's been possible. Bridal Lyn +10 now. 2 Gaius Yilessian Summer obtained. All Infernal content has been beaten. Barracks is no longer "maxed" size since they doubled the maximum, but orbs have been put into increasing size. All current seals obtained. Tempest Trials Lucina 4/5* and Tobin 4/5* have been obtained.
Bump Update: Have all Summer units. Beaten all GHB modes up to Valter. Have attained all seals up to this point. Currently have 130k feathers.
I'm interested in purchasing, contact me on discord: Rotmg#5853 or skype: Karry Swann (Michigan). I am a legit buyer
BUMP UPDATE: Hector +10 now Bridelia +10: S - Summoner Support and S - Ally Support with Hector Got all 8 Summer Units New 5 stars: Gray Brave Ike x2 (1 Neutral, 1 +SPD -ATK) Brave Lyn x3 (1 Neutral, 1 +SPD -ATK, 1 +DEF - HP) Brave Lucina x2 (1 +SPD -DEF, 1 +DEF - HP) Brave Roy x2 (1 +ATK -DEF, 1 +HP -SPD) Ninian x2 (1 +SPD - DEF, 1 +DEF - RES) Delthea Lucius Mist Lachesis Genny Sakura Priscilla Elise