Sold Selling WoTB Account with good premiums. £15 - #

Discussion in 'World of Tanks Blitz Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell WoT Blitz Account' started by PureXZ, 8/23/17.

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  1. PureXZ

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    Hi there. Today im selling my WoTB Account for £15.

    These are the Tanks it has.

    TIRE 9: M46 Patton

    TIRE 8: RU 251, Tiger ll, JPanther ll.

    TIRE 7: Tiger (P), <<<T34-85 RUDY>>>, <<< T6 DRACULA>>>, <<< TYPE 62>>>

    TIRE 6: Jackson, <<<Cromwell B>>>, Churchill Vll, Chi-To, <<<Kuro Mori Mine>>>

    TIRE 5: Chaffee, S35 CA.

    TIRE 4: <<<Pz. B2>>>, Alecto

    TIRE 3: <<< M3 Light>>>, <<< BT-7 art.>>>

    TIRE 2: <<< T7 Car>>>, <<< Tetrarch>>>

    So those are all the tanks on the account. This account also has 2,000 token things for the T49 ATM.

    Also the <<<>>> thing on some of the tanks means its premium.

    If you are interested, feel free to email me at [email protected] or PM me here ;)

    Thanks for looking!
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