Selling [Selling] Aether Datacenter-Selling Ωmega (Savage) and other content

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XIV FFXIV Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by HotaruxD, 8/22/17.

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  1. HotaruxD

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    Adamantoise, Balmung, Cactuar, Coeurl, Faerie, Gilgamesh, Goblin, Jenova, Mateus, Midgardsormr, Sargatanas, Siren and Zalera

    We are a group of skilled raiders on the Aether Datacenter, offering our content selling services. We offer everything from extreme primal(s) to Omega Savage.

    Content can be purchased in certain forms such as single clear or full clear of Omega(savage) Prices will vary based on the type of clear you would want? Loot or just a clear. We will need to come to an agreement via private chat to set a mutual time for our group and yourself. Orders will take 24-168 hours depending on if we're booked or not. Difficult content such as Omega(Savage) may require "Piloting" your account. More details will be discussed privately.

    What do you guys sell? And what do they give?
    Omega (Savage) (Requires Piloting depending on the fight)
    Deltascape V1.0
    RNG Based Drops: Accessories & Waist
    Deltascape V2.0
    RNG Based Drops: Boots & Gloves
    Guaranteed Drop: Glaze
    Deltascape V3.0
    RNG Based Drops: Pants & Head
    Guaranteed Drops: Twine & Roborant
    Deltascape V4.0
    RNG Based Drops: Chest & Weapon
    Guaranteed Drops: Genji Coffer & Alte Roite Mount

    Alexander (Savage) (May Require Piloting)
    Alexander Floor - 4- Gobwalker Mount
    Alexander Floor - 8- Faustlet Minion
    Alexander Floor - 12 -Arrhidaeus Mount

    EX.Primals (Does not Require Piloting)
    RNG based drops (Armor/Weapon)
    HW Primals Bird Mount: Light RNG drop
    SB Primals Wolf Mount: Heavily RNG drop

    So what do some of the items even do given from Omega(Savage)?
    Genji Coffer - Using this item transforms it into an i345 weapon corresponding to the user's current job.
    Lost Allagan Twine - Used to upgrade your left side gear
    Lost Allagan Roborant - Used to Upgrade your Weapon
    Lost Allagan Glaze - Used to Upgrade your Waist & Accessories

    We offer package discounts to our clients! Not just that we also give our clients permanent discounts!
    If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask!
    Feel free to contact me on DiscordApp: Hotaru#0358
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