Sold Selling £50/MW G1 lvl436 / 8.6k jewels / 111k+ HP / 1.5t without buffs / Lots of Eggs!

Discussion in 'Monster Warlord Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Kevskimassacre, 8/21/17.

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  1. Kevskimassacre

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    Selling my account since I don't play any more :)

    Acc. Info as of 12/08/2017
    Level - 436 fighter
    Stats - 100/300/829
    VIP Level - 12
    DPH - 1.43t / DEF: 850b (unbuffed)
    All 7 Mines

    Jewels - 8.6k jewels
    Gold - 9t+
    Honour Points - 111.5k
    Universal Monster Cores - 2834
    Eggs (Will add a decent amount of DPH and give lots of opportunity to combine)
    - 1582 Fortune
    - 34 Void
    - 452 Celestial
    - 700 Legendary
    - 1334 Mysterious
    Charge potions:
    - 1189 Energy
    - 969 Stamina
    - 507 Gold

    Tap (Not played it much. Only started last 2 weeks. Stage 500).

    I also have quite a few collections of monsters so if that doesn't bother you lots to combine there also.

    Price and payment:£50 / $65 Paypal only (family/friends option) and I don’t go first

    If interested or want for info/screenshots etc, feel free to pm me or message me on Pal+ (ID: kevskimassacre).
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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