Sold Selling Ultimate Endgame Balanced Account

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XIV FFXIV Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Xeno_Javier, 8/21/17.

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  1. Xeno_Javier

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    High Risk Status: This user has been flagged as high risk due to one or more reasons

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    -Original Owner, all achievements 100% Manual and Legit-

    6615 Achievement Points - almost 100 days i.e 2400 hours of pure playtime


    70 Samurai, Ninja, and Black Mage. Item level 317, 310, 312 respectively.

    ALL crafters and gatherers at 70.

    All crafters at 5 stars. Max crafted gear (i290+) on all crafters and gatherers with some blue scrip tools as well.

    All legendary gathering and recipie books acquired for all classes.

    Specialties in Blacksmith, Leatherworker, and Alchemist

    Culinarian/Goldsmith/Leatherworker Extreme High level dysynth

    Story fully completed up to just before 4.1

    99.9% of all sidequests to ever exist in game completed

    90% of all Raid Content Completed

    64.7 Million Gil on character

    $50 million+ in assets

    Absolutely Beautiful Fully Furnished Medium House in Mists - best designed house on server with over $25 million in furnuture.

    Max Reputation for all ARR/HW Beast Tribes + All mounts/Minons already bought

    Lots of mounts (39) including rare legendaries like Kirin, Raigo, Fenrir, and Ixion.

    122 Minions including very rare collector minions like Red Mage or raid minions like Puff of Darkness.

    Rank 13 Chocobo with a variety of rare primal bardings

    Pedigree 9 300 Rating Race Chocobo - Destroys all competition on r300 with ease.

    116 Triple Triad Cards including huge amount of 5 stars - Shantoto, Tidus, Squall, Terra, Etc

    621k MGP - + Already have Fenrir and Adamantoise.

    Orchestration Rolls almost 100% Complete (missing a few, have the answers roll on retainer)

    4 Retainers – 70 BLM, 70 Ninja, 70 Fisher, 65 Botanist. 70s have enough gear to accomplish all ventures.

    Tens of Millions of Gil worth in crafting materials, rare items, and resources stored accross all retainers.

    Max Level 50 Squadron with balanced members + scrip/materia/token gathering chemistires

    1st Lt with both Storm and Flames. 50k+ seals on both grand companies. Currently with Maelstrom.

    Fishing Master - Over 92 rare and difficult big fish caught

    100% of all riding speed maps acquired for all areas of game

    Medium High Population Server with great economy

    Fantasia Bottle + 2 Jandeline Tokens stored on Primary Retainer to change character however you want

    -Price #-

    *due to posting constraints I cannot upload all the screenshots. Will provide upon request

    -Feel free to contact me at this topic, through [email protected] or on discord at Hyperion_Dark#0680. We
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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