Sold Selling: Endgame ToL acc. with lots of 6* & 5* Heroes and UR++ Gear etc.

Discussion in 'Tales of Pirates Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Chronux, 8/21/17.

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  1. Chronux

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    The account:
    Rank 330+

    12x 6* (Including 3x Barbatos!)
    115+ 5* (42x Max Limit Broken)
    22x 5* Hawks (for Limit Break)
    Other notable things:
    5+ Healers
    5+ Delayers

    75+ UR++
    25+ UR
    Includes gear of Brave Frontier, God Eater collab etc.
    Other notable gear:
    1x Terun (Wind Damage -50%)
    3x Nahato (Earth Damage -50%)

    Mystic Artes
    12 UR++
    22 Different MA's
    6 Goddess' Love

    5* ATK Guardians of each element except Light
    5* DEF Guardians of each element except Fire
    5* SUP Guardians (Negate Sleep, Poison)
    Lots of other Guardians, 3* and 4*

    Can clear Story, Soul Arena and Ares Realm easily.
    Cleared recent Trial Tower up until Floor 25 without difficulties.

    70+ Stamina Gel S
    2k+ Of each Herb
    1.5k+ Guardian Summon Tickets
    Story cleared up until Journet of Memories
    At least one of each Element Ring except Fire
    A lot of Awakening Materials
    A lot of Keys

    If you're interested, you can either PM me here or send me a message on Line, ID is sef_
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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