Sold Selling 34 Five Stars - Lots of SS - 51k feathers (Safe account) $120

Discussion in 'Fire Emblem Heroes Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Rap2004, 8/21/17.

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  1. Rap2004

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    Selling account with no injections or hacks. Will provide pics upon request. Contact me here or at Fittir#9531 on Discord for a more immediate response.

    5 Star Heroes

    3x Roy (Non merged)
    1x Lyn
    1x Eirika
    1x Ike
    1x Chrom
    1x Lucina +4 (merged)
    1x Ryoma
    1x Tiki
    2x Tharja (non merged)
    1x Azura
    1x Effie
    1x Peri
    1x Cordelia
    3x Nowi (non merged)
    1x Robin
    1x Reinhardt
    2x Hector (non merged)
    1x Titania
    1x Camilla
    1x Jeorge
    4x Takumi (non merged)
    1x Kagero
    1x Elise
    1x Roderick
    1x Ninian

    4 Star Heroes
    7x Marth
    2x Ogma
    1x Seliph
    1x Roy
    1x Fir
    1x Eirika
    3x Chrom
    3x Lon'qu
    3x Olivia
    1x Corrin
    2x Hinata
    1x Hana
    3x Laslow
    3x Selena
    3x Draug
    2x Cain
    2x Eliwood
    2x Stahl
    3x Caeda
    1x Palla
    1x Tiki
    3x Lilina
    3x Raigh
    1x Sophia
    1x Henry
    1x Tharja
    1x Donnel
    2x Effie
    3x Abel
    2x Peri
    2x Est
    2x Shanna
    2x Subaki
    1x Nowi
    3x Barst
    1x Bartre
    3x Raven
    2x Arthur
    1x Sheena
    2x Frederick
    1x Narcian
    1x Beruka
    2x Fae
    1x Merric
    2x Nino
    2x Gordin
    2x Setsuna
    2x Niles
    2x Matthew
    1x Jakob
    1x Saizo
    1x Maria
    1x Wrys
    1x Serra
    1x Lucius
    2x Lissa
    2x Azama
    2x Sakura
    1x Clarine
    1x Priscilla

    Will not list 3* as there are just too many to list.

    Lots of free orbs to farm.
    Fully upgraded castle.
    Completed normal up to chapter 9.
    Completed hard up to chapter 6.
    Completed none of Lunatic.
    99% Sidequests are incomplete (more free orbs)

    51,722 Feathers
    111 Orbs
    43 Stamina Potions
    49 Dueling Crests
    4 Light's Blessings

    The account is linked to a Nintendo account. I am the original owner and all the credentials can be changed once sold. If you have any questions, please pm me. Being that I no longer wish to play this game, I will not be accepting trades. Upon buyer request, middleman expenses are covered by the buyer. Only accepting Paypal.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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