Sold Selling High-end 39x 5* Account, tons of SI fodder and good merges, Screenshots inside

Discussion in 'Fire Emblem Heroes Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by seercull, 8/21/17.

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  1. seercull

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    Selling my FE:H account.

    You can extract all the information from the screenshots, if you have any questions ask away.

    Imgur album:

    The first few screenshots display my box and hero merit, as you can see a good amount of 5* and a lot of inheritance fodder.

    My main Arena team consists of YTiki, Fae and Reinhardt seen in the Imgur album at the bottom. Those 3 + bonus unit, the extra Reinhardt screenshot is the same Reinhardt, but showing that he has the regular build as well.

    It's a good Triangle Adept core, and is very flexible with the bonus unit while still getting me to Tier 20/staying Tier 20.

    Payment via PayPal, as for the price, toss me an offer and we can talk it out.
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