Question about opening Scam Report / Different Sellers selling same accounts.

Discussion in 'Guides for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by eldiablo-, 8/20/17.

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  1. eldiablo-

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    I don't want to name any names in this thread, but I have a question regarding opening a scam report and if this case would be applicable. I have purchased many accounts from various sellers on here -- mostly for backup purposes in case one with a warranty goes dead and the seller isn't online to fix the situation. I have come across 3 sellers that have sold me the same username/password combo for the same account as something that I have already paid for. All of the accounts that I've purchased are claimed to be personally cracked and private (not sold to more than one buyer) It's very frustrating to purchase accounts on here and have them be dead before ever using them even once. Any feedback would be very welcome, thank you!
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