Selling Trading WTT OG Plasmic Aura for ingame Items + Cash

Discussion in 'DC Universe Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Shadowfox72, 8/20/17.

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  1. Shadowfox72

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    Hello All,

    I am looking to trade an OG Plasmic Aura for a couple of ingame items that I am missing. Below I will list all the items I am looking for. I am a premium player and cant trade cash, so I am looking for the most items I can get.. If need be, I will buy an escrow token, and you can mail me the difference in cash.

    Items Im looking for:

    - Materials: Phoenix, Void, Time Torn, Negative Speed Force
    - Styles: All Styles offered in lockboxes.
    - Auras: Dark Flame Aura, Ultimate Aura, Time Torn Aura

    As you can tell, I am mainly looking for items offered from the lockboxes. So, offer me anything valuable which were released in them.
    This is just to get the message out there. Message me and we will work out the details.

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