(9k+ gems now !, pics were taken months ago) - (Updated Regularly) 9K + GEMS, 800K GOLDS AND GROWING (i still play it) - HAVE ALL SPECIAL FARMABLE SKILLS OF ALL CHARACTERS - A LOT OF PRISMATICS - A LOT OF SR AND UR DOUBLES (1 of the SR card have 30 copies and UR have 10+ in 1 card) - login streak still maintained - World champion qualifier account - KOG ready (didn't even try to reach KoG because of schedule except for world qualifier) full collection of # decks - ALL characters unlocked Characters' level: Yugi, Kaiba, Joey, Mai, Tea, Weevil, Rex, Mako, Bakura, Keith,Ishizu, Pegasus, Marik : Level 40 The rest of the characters are level 35-39 - ALL characters farmed (have 3 of each characters' cards including SR and UR) - Keys : 99k+ normal keys and thousands (almost 10k) of other colored keys - ALL EVENT CHARACTERS'CARDS UNLOCKED (3 EACH) = super joey, yugi muto, etc. - A lot of card sleeves and game mats ! - A lot of SRs and URs to be sold for SR and UR orbs (if you still need them) - Jewels and Stones: R = 4900, SR = 20, UR = 50 Thousands of all stones !! - 400 duel orbs - Golds were used to buy 3 of some cards in cards trader (not all cards from cards' traders have 3 copies) - Stage 41-50 means you can still get more free gems ! - LIST OF CARDS LINK : (+DM from Arkana + Tribute to the doomed + Marik cards+ Super Mai Cards -Prismatic Vennu-) Payment : Paypal Contact me with offers : (read means i'm considering for the offers) - Message me here - Line : - Facebook :