Sold Tales of Link Global Android Lots of 6* 5*

Discussion in 'Tales of Link Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Lorelai, 8/20/17.

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  1. Lorelai

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    It's been fun but no time left to play right now.
    The game was great, lots of good memories and a LOT of time invested. (And I won't lie, a lot of salt.)
    That's why i'd rather sell it a decent price or destroy it.

    I have GE weapons, at least x3 per weapon, fully LB. Add this to all type of fully LB soul arena finishers and you have some great damage dealers.
    All events were cleared up to august. That means all ares characters.
    Notable characters are...
    Tekken Dezel, Rainy Leon, Edna ToF, Summer Ludger 6*, Christmas Kanono, perfect star match.
    Lots of elemental rings and hawks...
    200+ stones in bag
    Money capped, decent amount of LP.
    Almost all the 5* guardians available.

    Well... pretty much everything you want except the only one thing I wanted and never was able to get in more then 1 year of playing. Badass 5* Yuri.(got the festival one but not the ones I wanted :'( ) I tried, I swear.

    Here you go. If you wan't the perfect start... I'd say this account is almost perfect.

    If you want a pic, send me a pm.
    I don't have any idea of the price of this account. But if you make a decent offer I'll think about it. Stones can be used after selling if you need to go to IOS.
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  2. PlayerUp

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