Selling 2yo EndGame acc-1.1k h-99 skins+list+many voice packs-god pack-lvl69-51k favor

Discussion in 'Smite Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell - Cheap Safe' started by MaliciousGem, 8/20/17.

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  1. MaliciousGem

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    My Location:
    Price $:
    Make Offer
    Level: 69 - almost 70
    Favor: 51643
    Gems: 15
    Mastery level: 79
    Playtime: 1100 hours
    God pack purchased? Yes
    Money spent on the account: 140€/165$
    Skins: 99 (atleast 4 of them are T4 skins) - 27 of them exclusive - 6 of them limited (list below)

    Every god released before Izanami has atleast mastery 1 (excluding iznami - 39 worshipers)

    Only 1 more reffered friend needed to reach level 15 to get Puppetyr!
    Icons: 34

    Ward skins: 10

    Announcer packs: 4
    Loading frames: 3
    Pedestals: 1
    Global emotes: 2
    Music themes: 5

    (All of the above are shown in pictures below)

    the gray icon is "escape", i just timed the screenshot wrong

    [C] - Clan
    [E] - Exclusive
    [L] - Limited

    Agni: Swagni, Triumph & Agni [E], Curse Agni [E], Voicepack
    Ah Muzen Cab: Solid Hornet [L]
    Amaterasu: Voicepack
    Anhur: Shadow [C]
    Anubis: Stargazer, Voicepack
    Ao Kuang: Dragon King, Dragon Knight [L], Voicepack
    Aphrodite: Beach Babe [E], Voicepack
    Apollo: Elite Agent, Curse Voice [E], Vicious [L], Voicepack
    Arachne: Black Widow, Grim Weaver
    Artemis: Briar Queen, Stalker [E], Primal Huntress [E]
    Athena: High Counselor, Red star, Peacekeeper, Liberté [E], Enforcer [E], Golden, Legendary, Voicepack
    Bacchus: Hoot 'n Holler [E]
    Bakasura: Voicepack
    Bastet: Covert Ops, Crimson Ops
    Bellona: Battle Maiden, Furiona [E], SPL 2016 [E], Rock-a-Bellona [E], Voicepack
    Cabrakan: Voicepack
    Chaac: Boom-Chaac-a-Laka
    Chang'e: Voicepack
    Chronos: Fallen Lord
    Cupid: Lil' Devil, Golden, Voicepack
    Fenrir: Frostfang, Iron Maw
    Freya: Frost Maiden, All for One! [E], Get Served [E], Voicepack
    Geb: Molten Fury, Life's a Beach [E], Voicepack
    Guan Yu: Grim Horseman [E], Voicepack
    Hades: Bloodfire
    Hel: Voicepack
    Hercules: Lion of Olympus, Grand Slam
    Hou Yi: Sunbreaker, Grim Eclipse
    Isis: Shadow [C]
    Janus: Keymaster [E]
    Jing Wei: Pool Party
    Kali: Voicepack
    Khepri: Chef's Special, Voicepack
    Kukulkan: Typhoon
    Loki: Ssslither, Infiltrator, White Death [E], Golden, Voicepack
    Medusa: Sea Maiden [L], Voicepack
    Mercury: Voicepack
    Ne Zha: Cyberpunk, Voicepack
    Neith: Mischievous, Instakill
    Nemesis: Leona JPF [E]
    Nox: Madame Darkness, Grim Shadow [L], Golden, Voicepack
    Nu Wa: Water Dancer [E], Aurum [E], Challenger [E], Ace [E], Voicepack
    Odin: Worlds Collide, Voicepack
    Osiris: Voicepack
    Poseidon: Dreadbeard, Voicepack
    Ra: Solar Sentinel, Solar Eclipse [E], Alienware [E], Ra'Merica [E], Sunstar [L], Golden, Voicepack
    Ratatoskr: Flurry, Voicepack
    Scylla: Tiny Terror, Daisy Despair, Voicepack
    Skadi: Frostbound
    Sobek: High Seas, Land Shark [E], Voicepack
    Sun Wukong: Dark Lord, Heavenly Warlord, Voicepack
    Sylvanus: Golden
    Thor: Blood Eagle, Wrath of Valhalla, Special Emote
    Tyr: Privatyr, Voicepack
    Ullr: The Survivor
    Vamana: Lil' Mana, Voicepack
    Xbalanque: Shinobalanque, Voicepack
    Ymir: Obsidian Shard, Digi-mir 9000, Voicepack
    Zeus: Stormbringer, Thunderhead, Wrath of Olympus
    If a god is not listed then I dont not have a skin or a voicepack for him!

    For more information contact me on Skype (adrian.sepela) or by using email ([email protected]). Thank you.
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