Selling Selling Selling east accounts lvl95 kai & karok

Discussion in 'Vindictus Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Kimmeysam, 8/19/17.

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  1. Kimmeysam

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    +12 Leapord/Spririte lvl90 pillars all Oj max STATUS ON ATTACK
    +11 Rightous/BloodLust Lvl90 cestus all oj almost Max ATTACK
    +10 Immoral/Spirite Term Pillar oj 3/5 shard are max state

    gear: all +10 n some +11 all of them oj lvl90 scrolled with Rank7/rank8

    gear +weapon with Pillar ATTACK IS 26k or more & with Cestus Attack over 25k
    -Crit 110
    -Balance 90
    -speed 55-65

    any more in nx storage like outfit had 350 attack n more

    KAI HAD OVER 120k AP

    +10 Immoral/Spirite Term oj XGun Max SHARD ON ATTACK
    Gear: Most +10 some +12 oj lvl90 scrolled with rank 7/rank8 scrolled
    Weapon + gear:
    -attack 23-24k
    -Crit 124
    -Balance 88
    -speed 30-45

    Both characters got 3* accessory scrolled with rank7/rank8

    i spent alot of nx on this game, but its time for me to move on to life stuff wont have time to play anymore.
    im looking for 200 dollars paypal only, add me on skype: [email protected] i'll send the pictures of each character.
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