[Release] AQW - Dreadrock Legion Token Bot - Grimoire 3.3

Discussion in 'Mia Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by shauny321, 8/17/17.

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  1. shauny321

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    Made the bot for myself, and decided I may as well upload here. It's only a simple one, as it's the first, as I was experimenting with Grimoires bot features. I haven't come across any bugs but if you do, I most likely won't be able to help.

    You can start the bot from anywhere, and feel free to put auto login on, as it should reconnect you to the area if you do end up dcing. Though, I haven't yet.


    • An AoE class is prefered (Not needed but will be much slower)
    • Undead Champion
    • Grimoire 3.3


    • Turn on Lag Killer to decrease input lag
    • Turn on Infinite Attack Range to make AoEing faster

    Lastly, be sure to change the skills. Also, I have decreased the bot delay to 500, to increase the bot speed. If you can't handle it, be sure to just remove it from the command list, and it shall go back to default.

    Virus scans:

    https://virusscan.jotti. org/en-US/filescanjob/oqydia0oly
    https: //virustotal.com /en/file/03afdb62123873d9f5eb3530f0fd72b41e48a6045fdd0adeb1 1bad764570f68b/analysis/1503001911/

    Be sure to remove the spaces, as I can't post links.

    EDIT: Added Whitelist for Legion Tokens, found out I spelt Legion Token wrong, my bad x) So no longer need Get All Drops. Updated virus scans for new file.

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