[Release] xenhancement - A Simple Wallhack - Weekly Updates - FaceIt&MM [16.08.2017]

Discussion in 'Hawk Freedom Squadron Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by bigtricepsguy, 8/16/17.

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  1. bigtricepsguy

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    xenhancement - A Simple Wallhack

    VAC Status: Undetected (16.08.2017)
    Game Version: Latest
    Cheat Version: 1.0.1

    I added a donate button in my signature if you want to support this project. The first 15 People who donate 5$ or more will receive a Private Build of this cheat as a gift :~)

    - Team & Enemy
    - Glow if Enemy/Team is Flashed (Purple)
    - Glow if invisible (Lightblue)
    - Glow if visible (Green)

    Anti-Cheat Support:
    - VAC
    - FaceIt (Server-Sided Only)
    - Match Making Anticheat
    - SMAC



    - Set Toggle Key to "F2"

    Please leave a Feedback and if any VAC Bans happen I'll update the Cheat and make it UD again!

    Credits: ScarPunk & bigtricepsguy
    Downloadable Files
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