Selling Demo 9 pvp +Barb and Guardian 8 pvp

Discussion in 'Age of Conan Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Fredrikson, 8/16/17.

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  1. Fredrikson

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    Assasin 3 pvp(full T4) CROM
    Guardian 8 pvp T2 pvp+T3 pvp gear.T3 craft polearm.PVE- T4(pole and shield and 2-3 items)+more Khitai gear, 60% AA (everything you need is taken) FURY
    Tos 6 pvp more Khitai gear and pve raid gear+t4 50% AA CROM
    Barbarian 8 pvp full T2+T3 pvp gear+ 2 rings T4+ 2h blunt T4(AA 50%) CROM
    Demo 9 pvp almost full t4 with weapons(no head)+t2 pvp and t3 pvp gear(AA 90%) CROM
    All additional information, screenshots and video demonstration in Skype Fredrikson1976 Price 70$ Paypal only
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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