Selling [WTB] Buying US PSN Gift Cards! 60-70%!

Discussion in 'PlayStation Network Gift Cards | PSN Gift Card - Buy & Sell' started by AuthenticRandom, 8/16/17.

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  1. AuthenticRandom

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    Buying PSN gift cards! I will go first to REPUTABLE members, but refuse to go first to anyone without an account, or anyone who I don't want to go first to. Middlemen accepted.

    Paypal :
    $10-$50 codes: 70%
    $50+ codes: 60%

    $10-$50 codes: 60%
    $50+ codes: 50%

    I much prefer Paypal due to coinbase BTC fees (And the time to transfer out of my paypal, add to coinbase, wait for the funds to arrive... It's a mess)

    skype : jamesian0525

    Once again, only going first to REPUTABLE members on THIS forum.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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