http://res../.-llc/image/upload/v1502756562/idivo6lcws75tosugdis.jpg Account is a level 55 Skullknight,Defiler, Mage with 7/7 Divine Obsidian Cloth Gear equipped at T4 armors T5 Weapon DIVINE Scepter, Shield, Lute & Bow Epic Delphinad Twintail Cloak Some of other gear I'm not listing. (Epic Obsidian Flute) This account is good for printing, alchemy and commerce Acct has various mounts and pets Acct has FarmCart and Longboard Harpoon Clipper It has 2 Gazebo Design and 1 Treehouse Design Many Moonlight,Sunlight,Starlight Cyrstals for crafting regrade scrolls on my warehouse Many Moonpoint,Sunpoint,Starpoint for crafting regrade scrolls on my warehouse. Many Dawn lake essences (1500) for crafting blank regrade scrolls. http://res../.-llc/image/upload/v1502757633/x2plmpizvtbqkz2m2lqk.jpg 80k Alchemy 110k Printing 80k Construction 50k Commerce Various other professions 3 Characters on this account. 1 on NA Reckoning 1 on NA Vengeance (FREE) Account comes with 50g atm.. 2 Apex. 1 Epic flute, tons of crafting mats,30 lord coins, 350 flaming logs, 1 Thunderstruck tree. (FREE)I can also give 1 farming account with 2 Gazebo Design, 5 scarecrow design, Farm Cart, Longboard with Celestial Gear at 4k Gearscore. (Abolisher) w/ costume. http://res../.-llc/image/upload/v1502757934/dngpwbhnusvx5h0cqszi.jpg Reason for selling is not enough time for work and gaming. All of this for 350 Euros only. Add me on skype (bossreagan) or whisper me here. Good day! All account details will be given and I will personally assist on changing e-mails.