Sold Selling Top tier Autobot account. Max HQ15. All current 5* bots. 16k A team power

Discussion in 'Transformers Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Lb88, 8/14/17.

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  1. Lb88

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    I am looking at possibly selling my Transformers Earth Wars Autobot account.
    It is a top tier account that boasts one of the strongest teams in the game.
    It has all 5 of the current 5* bots
    Grimlock level 51/9
    Sunstreaker level 51/9
    Gnaw level 51/9
    Rodimus level 52/9
    Silverbolt level 40/6

    Notable other Bots:
    Starsaber level 59/9
    Kup level 57/9
    Optimus level 54/6
    Ultra Magnus level 53/7
    Strafe level 56/9
    First Aid level 52/8

    4* Superion level 16
    4* Optimus Maximus level 11

    it also has all readily available 4* excluding one.
    it also has over 1.5million spark in inventory.
    it also has over 300k cyber coins (worth $1500.00)

    i am looking for $7000.00 (USD)
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