Sold Selling Selling Leviamon acc with legendary tamer name (Kingdom Hearts Main Character)

Discussion in 'Digimon Masters Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Zelobot, 8/14/17.

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  1. Zelobot

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    I'm selling my account I made on day 1. I was there the second the game launched and got this great name. It's the Kingdom Hearts main character, you know, starts with an S. I didn't play much but held on to it because I loved the name but it's just rotting so I figured I would sell it. You are mainly buying the name but I will list everything it comes with. It also has his Nobody (R----) on the same acc. Not sure how safe it is to namedrop anything.

    Tamer level: 39

    Lalamon 42 100%
    Salamon 41 5/5 124%
    Lopmon 41 5/5 122%
    BlackGatomon 15 5/5 125%
    Gomamon 41 5/5 125%
    Hawkmon 17 5/5 122%
    Impmon 26 5/5 128%
    Veedramon 42 5/5 129%

    In Inventory:
    Guaranteed 5/5 Tentomon Egg
    Guaranteed 5/5 Black Agumon Egg

    In Incubator:
    Guaranteed 5/5 Bearmon Egg


    Price: $20 USD PM here or discord Zelo#5983 for any questions or more pics.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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