Looking to sell my main JP Love Live School Idol Festival Account. Currently playing on it, so rank may change. It has 20 UR, 13 of them being Aqours. 4 UR were idolized by copy, the rest by seal. There are currently 2 SSR seals on the account. Account is not farmable anymore, but new songs and idols are being added in game often, so it should not be a problem to collect Loveca. Teams are pretty strong, and a lot of scorers are skill leveled up. I am looking for $150 USD via Paypal. I may be willing to go down a little, but not a lot. I am in need of the money. If interested, please go to my eBay listing bellow. Thank you. http://www.ebay.com/itm/322649825919 I check eBay most often, so if you have any questions on the account, please send them there.