Selling [Selling] Rank 1 preseason, Diamond S1, 44 Heroes, Skins, Beta icon, Mounts

Discussion in 'Heroes of the Storm Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by evvon, 8/11/17.

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  1. evvon

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    Im looking to sell my account who has Heroes of the Storm and WoW Legion on it.

    the HOTS account has 44 heroes, alot of skins, alot of icons including beta icon, alot of mounts. I was Rank 1 Preason and Diamond in Season 1. Haven't really played that much since so i obviously dont have the very new heroes. 28 days remaining on stimpack.

    The WoW account only has 2 level 110's on Tarren Mill, a monk and a demon hunter. They are newly dinged.

    Im looking to either sell it for 25euro via PayPal or i can also accept a CSGO gift on steam (the game, it costs 13.99eur).

    If you are interested please drop a comment here or add my steam.

    Steam Community :: yung jave
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