Rifleman: r16a4 earthshaker t27 wai gray LMg3 para Medic: faram sat 8 pro earthshaker accuracy seven fas-12 richmond870 peg hgc engineer: ccr honey badger earthshakerccr gu7 smg9ares sniper: sae scout twm x308(ax308) miller ap6 normal and earthshaker gold twm pistol: ay p226 GOLD desert eagle earthskaer s18g otto w77 knife: tactical axe katana jagkomondo ice axe kukri machete normal and earthsaker Outfit: piled rever jade skin also m217 skin perm I have full warlord armor on all classes and earthshaker helmet on medic anti mine boots carbon fiber gloves Also : sas skin 30 days each class, anubis python skin GOLD DESERT EAGLE AND GOLD TWM icebreaker insane completed on all classes stripe and 10 times icebreaker insane stripe alose gold e16a4 stripe and more.... I HAVE ALL VENBDOR WEAPONS UNLOCKED SO MORE GUNS ARE AVAILABLE ASLO NEARLY LVL 67. 60 email me to find out more. contact me : [email protected] OR PM ME HERE.