Please help with cis investigation

Discussion in 'Guides for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by rehankumar, 8/11/17.

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  1. rehankumar

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    I got message from cis(at)amazon(dot)in a month ago about my unusual number of refunds and I only got to know about the investigation when I tried to refund a order today and they said they will not be able to help me in this regard and said to mail my query to cis, it seems I did 2-3 refunds after getting a the cis mail even though the amount was quite low around rs 700($11), there was somewhat unusual number of refunds few months ago but currently it was normal I have done 160 orders in past 6 months and returned 15-20 of them, some of the returned goods were of high value of around $200 as I repeatedly got fault products, I made 2-3 fake refunds in that as well with total value of around $170. It seems that my account is currently active so is it a good idea to close this account before cis does and make a new one or will it just increase their suspicion?
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