Archlord Account for Sale

Discussion in 'Archlord Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Facebook, 8/3/14.

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  1. Facebook

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    63 blunt 8 slot +10 best top for 60 +11 with level 3 stones greaves health mana and 5 fortitude (too many people know my gear no screens) 71 blunt with godly stats 6 dis shield with level 3 sb stone 2x ele for farming shuta 2x sorc for farming shuta on evergarda it has a 40+ ranger with no gear.. WTT for 2 shutas on cyriprus

    Alright time to do sumthing with all these account...

    Ok soo wow i have a whole bunch of accounts that is too much for me so im finally getting rid of them all for 1 dominant account or other offers as well... ok so tha first account is a 55 archer with a 50 hunter on it as well with infinity wings and i have a video and screens of this pretty cool. this archer is hella beastly pwned a 68 sorc in 3 hits in arena and can take pretty much anything up to lvl 71 in arena best gear iv seen on 50+ archer in my archlord career haha...(GIA) ok the next account is a 70x sorc on (Brumhart) very good char as well i have screens of this as well... then me move onto the 65+ knight on (GIA) this char doesn't have alot of gold and the greatest gear but u can make good of course can tank atm but not so good at tha killing part lol... also has a lvl 33 zerker on it no big deal just thought id add it in there.. and last but not least my first account i ever had for this game lol evengarda it has a lvl 44 ele 27 ranger for farmin shuta and 20 archer as a twink lol then on that same acc GIA theres a twink lvl 21 ranger... like i said im lookin for 1 dominant account but still taking other offers... hmm i think these r all tha accounts lol just hit me up wit = ***************************************************** i have screens and wutever ya want..

    starting a lvl 30 trade

    abit more info is. im going to be making many lvl 30 chars. all classes, all races, with no skills (so you can customise them) and until i get popular (and pple kno they can trust me) no items :/ . . my reasoning is because getting from 1 - 30 is probially the lamest part of the game so you will be able to start straight in the action right now i havent chosen a selling price .. but they will be going at in game gold probially about 20mil each .. wich if you use a gold seller ie ***************************************************** and get them to send the cash to my money trading accnt it will only cost you £4 .. alot cheeper than most of the pple on this site i think. also id advise that site because you dont need a credit card you can pay by phone. ofcourse its going to take a while to trust me so i am willing to wait. also if you think the price is too cheap pls tell me .. but i think its rather reasonable .. also anything else you have a problem/quistion/idea about just reply to this thread. one last thing.. as i will selling all the chars i will not post many threads saying lvl 30 for sale .. thats just silly. so just message me on what class you want and i will reply on how to carry out the trade

    WTS Biglos Necklace and Blode Ring

    (Server Gaiahon).....Pm Me offers Plz
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