Archlord Account for Sale

Discussion in 'Archlord Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Facebook, 8/3/14.

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    (Europe 2) WTT kark/lvl4 wings for biglos/infinity ( 1 2)

    Kark necklace has lvl 4 wings 13% speed. Its the gold see through ones. I have scroll for trade ! I'll throw in a free lilin or lilith now that they changed it if you provide the scroll also. Its just sitting in my inventory. I can give it to your secondary character or something doesn't really matter. I'll be trading with my main lvl 78 character, well known in the server , and will not scam you . You can take screens or w/e i dont care, I just want wings to look nice really.

    WTT Archer lvl 83 GRACIA

    2x shutas asthals 1 kark with wings lvl 3 poison/light top robindole bottom poison boots arms poison decent elite bow pics will be posted later trading for a knight or zerk 78+

    [ARCHON] selling stuff ( 1 2)

    i'm selling lots of bound stuff all for the same price. an item costs u 2 scrolls one for trade and one for myself or i also accept 1 scroll for trade and 1 pvp package. now i dont want replys with "yh u scammer" cus if u dont trust me then idc there are enough pple here that know i'm trust worthy so gtfo if ur here to be lame. ok enough of that, here are the items: -gaudius ring 0/1 -kilt of menta +10 2/2 -gloves of lou louen 0/2 -helmet of odon 0/1 -kilt of garnier 0/2 -greave of cross 0/2 -bracelit of belik 0/2 -garb of garnier 3/3 -cap of balakas 0/1 - armour of vortok 0/3 pm me if u want an item. if u got other offers for the item you can say but you need a scroll for trade.
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