I'm FREAKING OUT! Ups is onto me!!!

Discussion in 'Guides for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by AustinnWalker, 8/10/17.

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  1. AustinnWalker

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    So, I lost a package about a month back & I got compensated for my losses.
    I've gotten a couple calls and just ignored them. Until, the other day I got this thing on my door from the ups man saying the FBI deals with theft.
    I asked a friend about it and they just said to ignore it and I did. BUT then today I got another knock from the ups man and he puts this note on my door saying "Call if you find the package" and it also said these exact words: "They set up a court date" with no information. I feel like it's fake & the guy is just mad.
    why am I still being bothered if the Package got lost & I've already been compensated for my losses
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