Archlord Account for Sale

Discussion in 'Archlord Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Facebook, 8/3/14.

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  1. Facebook

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    Hi, I wtb the following on gracia. Intell blode=5 scrolls Intell shuta=6 scrolls Dimension cloak lvl 3+ no neck Good lvl 92 bow 5+ slots good greens (+1 skill not necessary but wouldnt mind :P) Pm me if u have or ur price for the above items. Thx.

    [Gracia] WTT some Unis

    WTS Blode 10% - 4 scrolls Glorious gaud (3% sb)- 6 scroll WTB Intel Blode 10% Infi no neck Normal Gaudius

    WTB on slyvia

    WTT zerk 90 2x g. blodes kark etc sorc 78 with some cf pieces elem 78 2x blode and kark on all acc's i have like 30k wps Im searching for acc on Sylvia PM me with offers

    WTS sylvia ( 1 2)

    hi all i WTS my hunter on sylvia : lv 64 blode 7% resi event blode 5% resi hero pendant stamina/stamina/skill block lv 24 neck with cloak lv 15 cast ring 5% with 7% resi lv30 normal ring with 5% resi lv 29 ~ 71 weapons elite AWESOME all those weapons are minimum dmg + 26/ele dmg + 12 lv29: full fire lv5 lv38: full fire lv4 lv47: 2x thunderlv2 / thunderlv3 / ashtal lv55: full thunderlv3 lv 63: full atack lv3 lv 71: full atack lv3 / ashtal / scion armor lighting helm lv 35 all stats +29 /stamina helm lv 52 all stats + 26 / 9% ele resi stamina lv 5 armpads lv 35 6% cast ashtal / scion boots lv 35 MS 15% evad 4% (dash/dodge/sprite protect) lucky&mov stones kilt of shakran stones skill bloc & resi lv 5 both kilt with 11% resi bonus self buffed = 80% resi / 80% evad / 80% dodge / 80% all ele resi / 72% skill block / 3.4k hp and with giant 4.3k hp. a griffin orc 40 millions gold lots of cc like: normal lens (around 20k) lens + around 3.5k combi around 17 toa 100% around 6 or 7 pets, pots, ... offer me i accept account (prefer on deribelle server) but offer on any server ofc comes with mail
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