Archlord Account for Sale

Discussion in 'Archlord Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Facebook, 8/3/14.

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    WTT knight lv 74 on Archon, he have armor of cross, greaves of cross, gaunlet of cross/excen, Helmet of cross/bladin. He have Shuta Bode, Karkaen, crit rings, neck 5 slot full might lv 3. Make ur offer

    Archon WTT Ranger 92 LVL

    HELLO GUYSI want to exchange my ranger a really good one i want exchange it for a good one swash or other classes and im really happy if the char are on sylvia THE RANGER DETAILS Uniqs: 2x Baron 1/1 ashtal 1/1 agility lvl 4 1x Glorious Blode 0/1 1x Shuta 1/1 ashtal and 1x Karkean 1/1 Dark Wings and now Realms: Bedilla Hair Lace 1/1 ashtal Poison Cuirass 3/3 2x lvl 3 stones and 1 ashtal Cuirass of Remulos 3/3 stones lvl 5 and the bonus 12% SB AND 6% Convert Thighs of Remulos 2/2 stones lvl 3 2 X Bracers of Remulos 1 x 2/2 stones lvl 5 bonus 3% cast 11% att speed 1x 0/2 bonus 10% att speed 22 att rating Jumbeau of Remulos 2/2 lvl 5 stones bonus 12% movement speed Got elite hair lace + 30 all stats 20 att rating with 1 ashtal She got a good one Bow i think a 1 of the bestest on this server +30 damage +29 att rating +28 lighting damage +6% crit +4% stun +all skils 1 4/4 ashtaled So offer me for it !!!!!!!! XD

    WTT sorc archon 76

    Sorc lvl 76, 2 shuta, 2 blode, 2 ohkeros, biglos, gaud, kark, shocker, podon, full realm, has some wc in bag, good weapon, some stones and around 300 mil gold... WTT for WC or char on deribel!

    [Archon] WTT 77 Knight for 7X+ Zerk (Screens, Realm, Unique,...)

    Hello, I'm willing to trade my lvl 77 knight on the server Archon FOR: Berserker lvl 7X+ on server Archon Knight information: Equipment: Armor: - Armor of Cross (Ice realm armor) - Greaves of Bladin (Realm greaves, good yellow stats) - Gauntlets of Excen (New realm gauntlets) - Unique Helm (Ashtal Stone +15 Stats) - Unique Boots Weapons: - LVL 71 Sword 5% Critical (Filled with attack stones) - LVL 63 Sword 4% Critical (Filled with attack stones) => Lower realms. Rings: - Blode Ring - Shuta Ring (5% Physical Resistance Stone) - Spiral Ring (Block, Skillbock, dmg => hp conversion, with Strength Stone) - Alot Gaia Ring Tree Necklaces: - Karkean Necklace - Lilith Necklace (With elemental Cloak) - All Knight Pendants - Shoker Necklace Screenshots: Character Info: (Unbuffed) Character Info: (Buffed) Armor of Cross: Greaves Of Bladin: Gauntlets of Excen: Helmet: Boots: Lilith Necklace: Spiral Ring: Shocker Necklace: Additional Information: - Knight is Critical Builded - You can get easy 79% Skillbock. - Maximum 59% Block. - 21% Evade. - +6K Hp self buffed ( The screen shots does not show these information i gave you up here, thats because i didn't switch rings and stuff ) UPDATE: Sellling 2x Cast Ring [BRUMHART] - Ring of Transcendence LVL 20 4% Skill Cast (All Stats +2) - Ring of Magical Power lvl 20 5% Skill Cast (Wisdom +6, and 5% Physical Resistance Stone) DizzySwamp.
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