Things that I have: Rifleman: -R16A4 -Earth Shaker T27 -Rifleman of the "Paragon Squad" -Warlord Rifleman helmet, vest, gloves Medic: -Faram S.A.T. 8 Pro -Earth Shaker Accuracy SEVEN -SAS Medic (30d) Engineer: -Earth Shaker CCR CQB -Warlord Engineer helmet Sniper: -Earth Shaker Miller AP6 -M217 All: -Earth Shaker S18G -Eagle Eye -Otto W77 Info: -1.622 KDR (Kill: Death Ratio) -426/240 W/L -126H 11M (Play time) -31K WF$ -106 Resurrection coins -4,745 Crowns Arsenal: -Full Amor -Attachments (missing only: Pistol Scope 1.5X, MCA Scope, Grenade Launcher, Special Sniper Bipod) -Weapons (missing: SOME rare weapons, ALL Ultra-Rare weapons, ALL LEGENDARY weapons) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WHAT I WANT FROM YOUR ACCOUNT: -CCR HONEY BADGER (PERMAMENT) or WX Matasoma Evo3 A1 (PERMAMENT) -All Attachments and Weapons -Minimum +1.0 KDR -Minimum +30 LVL I ALSO LOOK FOR SOME OFFERS Contact: [email protected]