Archlord Account for Sale

Discussion in 'Archlord Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Facebook, 8/3/14.

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  1. Facebook

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    wts 2x glor shuta each 12 scrolls + 1000 or offer me (dont need uniq items)

    WTT 2x Glor blodes

    im looking to trade on EU3 2x glor blodes with 8% res for 2 premium ticket+? or Glor Logo rings with res or strength stone lvl5+ OR 1 premium ticket+scrolls for each one

    verkaufe acc ( 1 2 3)

    selling hot acc WTS EU2 Archer 34 lvl 2x shuta resist and might lv 3 kark lv 4 cloak top 3/3 sb 11% all lvl 5 stones pants 10% resist lv 6 stones cloves 2% cast bonus 0/2 40k lens + mixed around 30 combies 100m+gold 2 scrolls etc etc comes with MAIL! suche psc

    wts 87 archer archon ( 1 2 3)

    Hey everyone ^^ selling my 87 archer on archon for paypal only! here is all the screens .. in the wc bag it has many lvl 3 pets x3 100% toa has a 30 day archer suit activated last week. 2 archer panda suits and about 20k lens mix of normal and lens+. has 110mil on it. and much gear for cf ^^ comes with mail ofc =) all items can be sold seperately if you provide scroll.. i only want paypal tho.. heres a nice pic free bumps welcome and post or pm offers! thanks! -istrike EDIT INTEL SHOCKER BRACERS 3 SLOT SCION KILT AND x2 SCION BOOTS SOLD!!!
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