Sold Selling S49 | top 5 | vip 7 | 300k+ power | nr. 1 guild | both monthly cards

Discussion in 'Idle Heroes Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Darkasy, 8/9/17.

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  1. Darkasy

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    Hello, Im selling my Idle heroes account since I dont wanna play anymore.

    The account is on server 49, level 113 and VIP 7
    I have spent over 1.400 USD on it and selling it cheaply for 450 USD. Not many on server 49 are spending and the highest VIP currently is only VIP 8.
    The account has a very high quality of heroes and has focused on only the top tier heroes. This gives a huge advantage since the top players mostly have levelled bad heroes (like divine spirit, DS and such). This means that this account will outclass them when all heroes are maxed and may land you in top 3 or maybe at nr. 1.

    The account currently contains:
    30 million gold
    1 million spirit
    3.000 gems
    50 heroic scrolls
    500 casino chips
    200 arena tickets
    + much more

    9* WALTER
    7* BAREA
    7* AIDAN
    6* QUEEN
    + 20 5* for fodder such as Miki, groo, another DH, sleepless and more

    The account is an officer in the nr. 1 guild on the server which also places in the top 8 in the guild wars. The guild has its own LINE chat and is currently being run by a moderator of the Idle Heroes Wiki page (this means that you can receive lots of upgrading and progression advice for the late-game).

    Dragon lvl 61/90
    aura: max - 25 - 6

    THE 1.400 USD have been moslty spend very wisely during the summon events and during the anniversary event.
    Both monthly cards are active, and will continue being until the account is sold.

    Im looking for around 450 USD for the account, but all offers are welcome. The account will be maintained constantly until a buyer has been found.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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