Sold WTS LoL account lvl 30, OCE Server, Unranked on...

Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Aladdin Alwesi, 5/17/14.

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  1. Aladdin Alwesi

    Aladdin Alwesi
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    WTS LoL account lvl 30, OCE Server, Unranked on all seasons, 90 champions, 52 Skins 1 Ward Skin 8 rune pages, 10000+ IP 400+ RP 1200+ Normal Wins Not Owned Champions: 29 Champs NOT Owned Braum, Caitlin, Draven, Ezrael, Fiora, Galio, Graves, Irelia, Jarvan IV, Jayce, Kogmaw, Leona, Lissandra, Lucian, Malzahar, Maokai, Nami, Quinn, Renekton, Rumble, Sejuani, Shyvana, Skarner, Swain, Syndra, Velkoz, Viktor, Volibear, Wukong. Runes: 8 Rune Pages Owned Marks (9x 0.91 Armor, 9x 1.3 Armor Pen, 9x 0.95 Physical Dmg, 9x 1.7% attack speed, 9x 0.87 Magic Pen, 1x 1.3 Magic Res at 18) Lvl 3 Seals (9x 1.0 Armor, 9x 0.76% Attack Speed, 9x 1.7 Magic res at 18) Lvl 3 Glyphs (1x 1.2 AP, 9x 0.64 attack speed, 9x 0.83% cooldown, 9x 1.3 Magic Res, 9x 11 Mana, 9x 3.1 AP at 18) Lvl 3 Quintessences (3x 5.0 AP, 3x 4.3 Armor, 3x 2.3 Physical Dmg, 3x 4.5% Attack Speed, 3x 1.5% Lifesteal, 3x 4.0 Magic Res, 3x 1.5% Movement Speed) Lvl 3 Skins: 52 Skins + 1 ward Skin (Dead-fall ward) Owned Midnight Ahri. Crimson Akali. Unchained Alista Pharaoh Amumu,Little knight Amumu, Sad Robot Amumu.(3) Franken Tibbers Annie. Woad Ashe. Definitly not Blitzcrank, Riot Blitzcrank. (2) Jurassic Chogath. Rageborn Mundo. Pumpkinhead Fiddlestick, Fiddle me timber. (2) Tundra Fizz. Special Forces Gankplank. Steel Legion Garen. Oktoberfest Gragas. Blood knight Hecarim. Alien Invader Heim. Jaximus. Grim Reaper Karthus. Kennen M.D. Obsidian Malphite. Samurai Yi. Blackthorn Morgana. Dreadknight Nasus. Demolisher Nunu. Gothic Orianna, Sewn Chaos Orianna, Bladecraft Orianna. (3) Ruthless Pantheon, Glaive Warrior Pantheon. (2) Headhunter Rengar. Workshop Shaco, Asylum Shaco. (2) Mad Scientist Singed, Augmented Singed. (2) Crimson Elite Talon. Recon Teemo, Super Teemo. (2) Riot Girl Trist, Rocket Girl Trist. (2) Battlecast Urgot. Dragonslayer Vayne. Nosferatu Vladimir. Viscero Xin Zhao. Undertaker Yorick. Pool Party Ziggs. Feral Warwick. Mythic Cassiopeia. Cryocore brand.
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