Archlord Account for Sale

Discussion in 'Archlord Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Facebook, 8/3/14.

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  1. Facebook

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    Wts Knight lvl 99 and 45 % on Urzark / Brumhart Full cf with best bonus stats , 92 lvl axe with 29 damage , 5 % , 5 % stun , 14 ele dmg , all ranks +1 and 4 asthals in it , karkaen with 13 % dark eternity movement speed wings , has suits and cc pots and more wc..... and has 1 bound asthal and 450 milion gold PM if u are interested !

    WTS/WTT MAGE LVL 103 GRACIA ( 1 2)

    WTS mage lvl 103 on Gracia -HH- head of delphin 1/1 (stamina lvl 6) garb of delphin 4/4 (stones lvl 5) bracelets of delphin 2/2 (ashtal) -REALM- serreno kilt 12% res and hp +200 3/3 (2x lvl 5 stones and 1 ashtal) serreno garb 12% sb, hp 7% and defense +11 3/3 (stones lvl 5) ewan bracelets 3% cast 2/2 (1 scion - 1 ashtal) -UNIQUES- 2x ring of blessing 5% cast, both with ashtal luke 2/2 (cloack lvl 3 and stamina lvl6) brillant faren 0/1 -WCP- full wcp pots lens, combi, toh and toas -MORE STUFFS- good staff 71 and 38 2x ashtal some nectars 1x spider mount

    wts int rings! (zian)

    WTS int shhuta 8% resis INT okh 10% resis INT okh 9% resis just wanna check hw much worth int featehrd 2/2?

    Epic's Trading

    WTB on Urzak: WTS on Urzak: Int Faren 0/1 Lv90 HH Wand, 0/5 +29dmg, +5% crit, +4% stun extra Lv95 Sorc Full CM Realm -> 20€ WTS on Zian: ***************************************************** Buddy of the knight 20€ ***************************************************** ***************************************************** ***************************************************** 40€ Knight got more stuff like nice shield, nice weapon, Ashtal boots & armpads, crit ring, nice helm, 200M Gold, Heavenly Tali... Lv50 Knight, Shuta, Karkaen, CF top with 10% extra sb with Lv5 stones, full cc bag(Lv4 pets, Lv4 god wings, lens, combi, pots, ect) All Zian Accounts 50€ together Payment only via Paypal. If you got any Questions, pm me.
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