Change my ACC 2MOONS LVL 125 AZUR KINGHT ITEN +7 AXE LVL 130 AND ALL ITEMS OF SEVEN FULL FOR THE ACC ARCHLORD. NICK: aka7 LVL : 125 BUILD STATUS : FULL HEAL BUILD SKILL : DUAL AXE / AXE ANDE SHIELD SERVER : ABBADON INFO : HEALMENT LVL 108 ARMO LVL 112 PANTS LVL 114 GLOVES LVL 104 BOOTS LVL 102 HAVE WINGS 2 AXE +5 LVL 115 4X = 5% ONE AXE LVL 115 +4 4X = 5% ONE AXE +7 LVL 130 FULL SLOT Show all 2MOONS IN, OR FOR Printscreen TRADE ... ACC ARCHLORD LVL 5X TRADE NOW SERVER : BRUMHART CLASS : HUNTER ( ORC ) OR BEZERCK ( ORC ) And all items of LVL. WTT lvl 76 Sorcerer For 1 Blode ( 1 2) Well as the name says, im willing to trade my sorc for a blode, it's easy as that, if your are interested tell me or something, i can send screenshots and details about him and Sorc has a couple of ice parts, working on set, Also, Sorc has amazing armor, so if any1 wanna trade, tell me WTS/WTT 75+ Knight (eve) Hi xD I want too trade my knight (75+) for an archer or ranger (75+) PM me. I want to work something out ^_^ wtt zerk lvl 47 i wanna trade my zerk lvl 47 good build and also has got ace gear want to trade it for about the same lvl toon looking for mostly an archer hunter somin like that server brumhart btw pm with offers B>> unique necky and rings for lvl 63 knight for real cash