Sold [INFORMATION] Created before Ranked Season 1...

Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Joseph Kelly, 6/9/14.

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  1. Joseph Kelly

    Joseph Kelly
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    [INFORMATION] Created before Ranked Season 1 (right after the beta) Gold S1 Diamond S2 Diamond 1 S3 Current Elo S4 is xxxx (to keep details confidential I can get the rank to D1 easily depending on the price offered) This account has EVERY champion and EVERY rune that you will need. This account has been around for years, it used to have professional players that you see in LCS on it's friends list. I used to have a max friends list of Platinum players and higher. Unfortunatly, I server transferred and when you do that, you lose your friends list. However, the reputation is great Over 1700 Normal Wins 12,000 (12k) Riot Points 10,000 (10k) Influence Points Plenty of points to server change, name change, and to buy skins for your favorite champs. Account has never been banned [CHAMPIONS] All Champions [WARD SKINS] Fist Bump Ward (Riot) Season 3 Victorious Ward [SUMMONER ICONS] [RUNE INFORMATION] 14x Total Rune Pages Some of these runes are Limited Edition "Razer" runes [SKINS] A lot of these skins are PAX skins or skins that you can no longer obtain. AKA Legacy [REDS T3] 9x Armor 9x AD 9x AS 9x Crit 9x Magic Pen 9x Magic Res [YELLOW T3] 2x Flat AP 9x Flat AD 9x AS 9x Crit 8x 0.25 gp/10 9x Mana Regen 8x +24 health at level 18 9x mana regen at 18 [BLUE T3] 9x Flat AP 9x Armor 9x AD 9x AS 9x Cooldown 9x Crit 9x Mag Res 9x Ap at 18 1x mana at 18 9x mana regen at 18 [QUINTS T3] 3x Flat AP 3X Armor 3x Armor Pen 3x AD 3x AS 3x Crit 3x Gold per 10 3x Health 3x Life Steal 1x Magic Pen 3x Move Speed 1x Time Dead Email me at: [email protected] to negotiate a price To Buy the account now is 850$USD or 600 Euros Current offer is 600$ USD
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  2. PlayerUp

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    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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