Hello, I WTB a Ranger,Mage or a Archer on the Archon Server. I offer max 50€ !!! If you are interested pls PN me with Char class, level and which equip do you have. Ty _Shark_ WTB WP (MOL OR PP CARD) Closed....ty Creme WTT /S cast rins eu 3 i want to sell or trade my cast rings on eu 3 both are 4 % cast rings 1 has all stats 15 stone in it other has 6% restance stone in it .. offer me will take cash / items / gold .ect [Sylvia]WTT/WTS Two-Handed Sword 92lv RANK+1 WTT/WTS Two-Handed Sword 92lv RANK+1 for wand rank+1 lv 85lv or 92lv or Wcoin Server Sylvia [Evengarda&Cyripus] offer me on PM [Archon] 87 Knight for sale. ( 1 2 3)