Selling Selling Amazing armored warfare account, great stats, leo.2av snow, bwp-1m puma, check

Discussion in 'Armored Warfare Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Marquezans, 8/8/17.

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  1. Marquezans

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    Armored Warfare - Main Server

    [email protected]


    ALL tier 1,2,3,4 tanks
    Tier 5: T-72, Chief. Mk5,
    Tier 6: Akatsiya, T-72A (85%), Palmaria
    Tier 7: Chall. 1 (70%)
    Premium tanks: Leo.2AV Snow (Tier 6), BWP-1M Puma (Tier 4) BOTH unobtainable!
    Credits: Over 10 Million
    Gold: 400
    Free XP: 125.000
    Locked XP: 300.000
    Premium time: 5X1 Day, 2X7 Day, 1X14 Day
    Best commanders at Max LVL
    All Tanks Have Retrofits
    All buildings in base are at lvl 5 or 4
    52% Win Rate
    57% kill Ratio
    55% Damage Ratio
    93% Win Rate
    96% Kill Ratio
    87% Damage Ratio

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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