wtb hunter cf resi kilt. with highest resi bonus stat. can pay in cc, or cash on paypal. possible uniqs on diff server if needed. pm what u want wtt zerk 9X evengarda hi i wtt my lvl 9X zerk which has full mongola armour (lightning) and almost a full bag reserve parts 3X luke neck : one whit lvl 5 wings one whit strengh and one 0/1 2 gaudius both whit stamina good weap/build and lvl 54 archer on same acc i wtt it for sorc or archer 9X NEW DUPE METOD !!! ( 1 2) new dupe method on Archlord Wenzen 500Euros for info /pm me UNIQUE ACCESSORIES ( 1 2) Edited Hello All I Have Some Uniques To Sell: ARCHON: PRICE CUT --->Barom Ring [0/1] --->Shuta Ring [1/1] ASHTAL --->Blode Ring [1/1] ASHTAL --->Pioneer's Pendant lv15 for ELEMENTALIST [0/1] Few Skillups ;-) DERIBELLE: PRICE CUT --->Blode Ring [1/1] ASHTAL --->Ring of The Gia Tree [0/4] --->Monarch's Pendant (Zerk) [0/4] BRUMHART: --->Lilith Necklace [0/1] Later I Will Add Some Ashtal Stones And Scion Prayer Stones For Sale Process of Trading: 1:You pay for the accessory, I provide the Marvel Scroll 2:We login 3:I put in the trade the accessory and the scroll 4: Done PayPal Verified,(i accept paypal) 1000% trustful,fair trader Good Luck All!! EU3: WTB archer armpads of riley