Selling Selling MFF Assistant - Auto for MFF to farm Magicite.

Discussion in 'Mobius Final Fantasy Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by SunnyTiTi, 8/8/17.

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  1. SunnyTiTi

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    As you know, from August we can farm up to 20k Magicite per month. It's a good idea if we have an # to farm for us. Now, I gonna introduce to you all the MFF Assistant which helps us to save our time in farming magicite.


    The # has two features that is Farm at Current Location and MP - Findparty.
    • Farm at Current Location: - Its name has describe its feature. It will farm at your current node forever.
      • For VIP users:
        • If run out of stamina, it will use stamina.
        • By the way, MFF Assistant also helps you in boosting weapon.

    • MP - Find Party (Only for VIP users): - Find and join a party in Multiplayer and run the battle with your configurations.

    Contact me by message in this forum or LINE (SunnyTyTy) or Skype (MFF Assistant - [email protected])
    The price for VIP users is $20/month.
    Payment: PayPal (Send to Friend and Family).
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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