Hello everyone! As you can see, I'm new to this forum, but I'm looking forward to a fair trade, maybe with some trusted member as the middle man. So basically I'm interested in a different character with level 78 or above, would prefer swash or knight but you can offer something else as well. My hunter is level 80 as the title already indicates, it has full ice armor and that's basically everything there is, no uniques, no cf gear etc. So let me know. Cheers, K. A little update: I'm not really interested in the caster classes, unless it's an ele maybe. ^^ [Archon WTS] ele lvl 92 ( 1 2 3 ... Last Page) Mail . Selling for 45 euro. aka 62 dollar. wtb eu2 Mage lvl 50-60 Dont need uniqs only with some realm etc. I pay with wp or paysafecard. Pm me with offers Brumhart 85 Archer ( 1 2) Account no longer for sale. (Gracia) Sell Scrolls 50m each