Hi. I have some account for sell. Archon: lvl 76 swash (nothing special) EU3: Sorc Lv 87 Brilliant blode 8% res Pargon 7% res Biglos 3% res Biglos 2/2 (ele cloak lvl4 & wings) Intelligent luke 0/1 BG realm: top (lvl5 hp & cd/cast & Lv6 res) cap (lvl5 stamina) boots (lvl5 mov speed and empty slot) kilt 0/3 CF: top lytillo 4 slots 12% sb lvl4 & lv5 stones bracelets 3% cast 2/2 ashtals kilt 11% res 10 def 200 mana lvl5 sb & lvl6 res stones And... Lv10 pet Post offers [Archon] WTS Realms/ Uniques Mage Serreno gloves w 11% attack speed 0/2 Serreno boots 9% block 0/2 Knight Cf gloves 12% attack speed 0/2 Cf gloves 12% attack speed lvl 5 stones Archer CF armor extra 5% sb 0/4 CF armor extra 10 or 12% hp, cant remember which 0/4 Ele Cf gloves 3% cast 0/2 CF boots 8% block 0/2 Psn top (Tuuga, Thunder Descent, Mercury) 0/3 Sorc Ice cap astaal Cf gloves 10% attack speed 0/2 CF top 9% sb 0/3 Zwan kilt Hp160 0/2 Swash Psn gloves with shout of insight 0/2 Cf scabbard with 8% extra resist 0/3 Scion CF boots 12% ms 0/2 Uniques Crit gaud with 7% resist stone I have scroll to trade. PM me your offers WTT zerk eu3 hi i want to trade my zerk lv 75 on eur for other char eu3 prefered:hunter,mage or scrolls if no chars offered zerk has got: nuendo top 10% sb nuendo greaves 11% res nuendo armpeds 11% att speed with lv 4 prayer nuendo boots 8% block 5% sb shield 2 slots with lv 5 sb prayer and lv 3 block union neck(or how ever its called, 5% att speed/move 6%block/sb etc...) elite blunt lv 71 with 30 att and 5% crit and some other greens bunch of wc in bag screen: img855.imageshack.us/i/zerk.jpg/ only prob is i got no mail for it but its from safe trader and i had no problems with it WTS Steam Account with Call of Duty Black Ops for.... I wanna sell steam account with Call of Duty Black Ops for char on Archon Or if somebody interessed in Battlefield Bad Company 2 PM me please wtb mage stuff archon