as title says... Archer is on brumhart without realms,uniqes Elementalist is Full old realm (Lightening,Psn cap),darilla Lv4 wings.... pm me ty ( Sylvia ) [ARCHON] Item shop! ( 1 2 3) yo people just throwing all my items in one thread.. i accept wp or verified paypal. shuta ring 1/1 6% resist ( 2 scrolls or 14$ paypal) serrano bracelets 2% bonus cast 2/2 scionx2 (3 scrolls or 20$ paypal) ewan garb 10% bonus sb 3/3 lvl 3 resi lvl 3 ele resist ashtal (scroll +10 prem boxes) ewan boots 10% movement spd. 2/2 luck and speed lvl 3 (scroll + 10k normal lens) mage poison garb 3/3 lvl 5 resi cast/cool down lvl 3 stamina buff (scroll + 10k+ lens) mage poison headband lvl 4 stamina (scroll + 10m) Level 63 elite staff 5/5 scion x5 elemental damage +15 damage +29 mass snare+1 hell typhoon +1 (1 scroll) glorious blode 0/1 (offer me) level 20 1% crit ring 1/1 lvl 4 might aaron greaves 12% resist bonus 0/2 (2 scrolls or 14$ paypal) aaron greaves 6% resist bonus 2/2 lvl 5 resist and skill block (scroll +10k+ lens) excen gauntlets 10% attack speed bonus 2/2 lvl 5 crit and lvl attack speed (2 scrolls or 14$paypal) also have a knight helm +29 all stats 1/1 ashtal.. 5% crit sword and some nice shields too. ask if interested.. I have scroll for trade... i may also sell my 43 knight with full cf.. also for the mage gear if you buy all of the gear ill give you a 68 mage with it. im open for trading for accounts on eu3 as well. wts intel shuta eu3 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||S O L D|||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| WTS UNIQUES (ZIAN) Deribelle Server ! [ARCHON+EU3] Selling accounts