Eu3 Wtt my glorios blode for glorios ohkeros or primium ticket

Discussion in 'Archlord Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Facebook, 8/3/14.

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    Wtt my glorios blode for glorios ohkeros or primium ticket on eu3

    WTS EU2 Realms/Unices

    Realms Nuendo Amor Bonus: 12%sb / 3%hp/ 3/3 / cast/hp/resi lvl 6 Nuendo Greaves Bonus: 9%resi/210mana/170hp // 2/2 sb+resi lvl 4 Kildemor Armpads Bonus: 11% as // 0/2 Nuendo Amor Bonus: 10%sb / 4% convert / 0/3 Sorreno Boots Bonus: 12% mv / 0/2 Pants of Shakran Bonus: 10%resi / +11defence / 0/2 Armpads of Shakran: 3%cast with 2astahls Pants of Shakran : 12% resi / 0/2 Greaves of Remolus 12%bonus resi 0/2 Rings/Necks Blode Ring with 8% resi sold Proof of Monarch with 7% resi Union Neck with lvl 1 cloak Adventures Pendant 5/5-> lvl 4 might yellows : Repress and Drago Divide Karkaen Neck with lvl 2 ele cloak sold Spiral Ring with 7% resi p>
    [stull] archer store

    cf top 12% sb 30hp recovery / bottoms 10% res /

    [EU3 - Urzark]WTS Swash 72 acc

    I want to sell my old account, in the same account a swash lvl 72 others about lvl 20-30 on Gaia server, u can call it empty char just for buff or if u wanna know what i have there here it is 1 - flying ring (empty) aloot of pendants . . . and 2 lvl 55 rings of the gaia tree with STM/STR/Resistance 6% CF armor with hp bonus and lvl 3 stones CF pants 3 slots with 210 hp 2/3 resis/SB CF boots with 8% movement speed CF Gloves 2% cast aloot of other cf parts for other classes Union Neck 1 pet 300% and chantra bag full of pets (lv1 normal pets) i sell it cheep for few scrolls or u can take it + 10scrolls for lvl92+ empty sorc on EU3 PS: the char is full of unq's piece like ohkeros 7 luke 7 logo 8 etc etc . . . (u can use it for buff just like i did ^^) ACCOUNT SOLD, THANK YOU FOR YOUR OFFER Best Wishes to all of you p>
    [EU3]WTB Sorc lvl 92+
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