GLOBAL ACCOUNT ACCOUNT #1 Good supreme account. Completed all chapters. - SUPREME Xezat: FF V, Bismarck: FF XIV, a lot of cards (screens: 1, 2 ,3 ,4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 9 ) - Dragoon, Royal Guard Price 25$ ACCOUNT #2 -SUPREME Aerith: FFVII, Duncan: FF V, Unbreakable Bonds: FF XV, Minwu: FFII - All jobs, except Balamb Mercenary, Mythic Ninja and Mythic Knight - A lot of great cards, including limited FF XII, FF XIV, FFXV. - Story cleared. Need screenshots? PM me Price 850$ ACCOUNT #3 -SUPREME Yazmatt: FFXII - Many jobs from standart pulls that already gone, but no legends. Played since November 2016. - Also have some limited cards, including FFRK - Not all cleared. A lot to clean. Need screenshots? PM me Price 100$ SOLD Show Content Whatsapp / Viber - +79603784351 LINE - segnaless