WTT archer on deri 71 union neck biglos neck poison armor full cf realms pets,lucky charms,toh,etc. archer on archon 63 spiral ring full cf realms full wc bag union neck proof of destroyer knight lvl 56 on sylvia ALL CHARACTERS BOTH SAME ACCOUNT I WANT BRIL BLODE 0/1 OR WITH RESI ON ARHCON FOR THIS ACC [Archon] WTS Elementalist ( 1 2) ***************************************************** Account comes with email Taking offers only per wc ingame or uniqs [Archon soon Deri too] WTS Bril Blode ( 1 2) as the title says, ive got a bril blode i dont want a bril blode i want scrolls offer here or pm me or do w/e it is you feel comfortable with gogogo [Gracia]Buying Ashtals or Scion Prayer Stones! ( 1 2 3) I need atleast 4 Scions now. pm me yur price. Thanks WTB scion