like the title says...i want scrolls on urzark( and prem boxes i can give you on any server ) /URZARK/ WTS nice zerk hh equip nad nice sword lvl 92 offer me in sc gold ticket sorc hh items intel luke with ele cloack or nice wand lvl 92 URZARK WTB SORC HH PARTS sorc HH parts lv 90. pay good! WTS Uniqes/Realms sylvia WTS : Uniqes : -Glor Bellos sold -Intel Ohk sold -Intel Kark -Intel Bellos -Intel Luke sold Realms : -HH Cap Mage sold -HH Cap Hunter -HH Armor Scion PM for more infos p> WTS bow lbl 78 urzark ( 1 2)