like the title say . feel free to offer me in staffs ingame ! {Urzark} Pheonix mount trade Hello all. With the new pheonix mounts around from the event, I figured I would try this again. I have a human pheonix mount that I would like to trade for a Orc pheonix mount. /pm me if interested. Thanks. WTS KNIGHT LVL 99 ( 1 2) WTS Knight lvl 99 and 45 % , karkaen with 13 % movement speed black eternity wings , 2 crit rings with 7 % resi stones , 92 lvl axe with 5 % crit 5 % stun , 24 damage , 14 ele damage , upgrades all skills by 1 rank with 4 asthals in it , has full cf armor with best bonuses , currently has 450 milion gold , some wcoin and 1 bound asthal accept paypal only [ZIAN]WTS 2 gold ticket CHEAP !!! WTS 2 gold ticket CHEAP for paypal . PM ME!! hy Urzark